Our Boys...
Boomer comes from Bardstown, Kentucky and is from 5 generations of “whites” (Yellows). He, like all our dogs have been DNA tested and has no genetic negative traits. This OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certified “gentle giant” has a very easy-going personality, is a loving and affectionate dog with a passion to run, play and be with his human family members! "Boom" is an awesome dog who is an extremely sought after sire of our CPL family. For many of our CPL families and guests who visit us here at the CPL farm, Boomer is the favorite to see.
Hank is our original stud. Words can't even begin to describe what kind of dog Hank is. Hank is the ultimate pet, companion, hunter, child's play-thing... in many ways the perfect dog. Hank has been diving into icy waters out of a duck blind in the morning and then later that evening be in the middle of the great room floor dressed up in my granddaughter's dress up clothes. Hank is a professional duck dog who has guided duck hunting trips in Ohio, Kentucky and Arkansas. Hank has guided duck hunts with clients from all over the country including CMT Superstars to guiding hunts for the Outdoor Channel.
(Photo was a finalist photo was in the November 2021 Delta Water Foul Magazine)
CPL's Bryant IN Tobias "Tobi" has become an unbelievable dog and he is such a blessing as a part of the CPL crew. Tobi is a pure bread English Labrador Retriever that comes from multiple generations of AKC & UKC pedigrees. Simply...He is amazing! His laid back personality, but insatiable drive is truly unique. He is extremely intelligent and driven to please. He has been one of the most eager learners and is extremely trainable. In short...He is a good one! He has brought a dimension to Converse Premium Labs that we have not be able to offer to our CPL families since we began in 2016. Puppies fathered by this guy will be very special and will be in much demand!